Entry into force – by signature and ratification or by accession
The ICC Statute was adopted on 17th July 1998 and was open for signature by States until 31st December 2000. The 139 States which signed the Statute must ratify it and implement its provisions domestically. States which did not sign the Statute may accede to it.
Timing for entry into force
The Statute entered into force on 1st July 2002, a certain period after the critical mass of 60 ratifications was reached (See Article 126(1)). For a State which accedes after those initial 60 ratifications, the entry into force of the Statute shall be the first day of the month after the 60th day following the deposit by the State of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession (See Article 126(2)).
The date for entry into force of the Statute for any particular country is important, because it is only after that date that the ICC, under the principle of complementarity, is likely to have jurisdiction. For further details, including examples and the relevant distinction between monist and dualist states, see Temporal Jurisdiction of the ICC and national courts.